Are you unhappy with your technical skills?
Are you always searching for ways to improve the physical aspect of your playing?
Do you think that your disobedient hands/fingers are the only obstacle on your path to piano mastery?
Do you think that a brilliant technique is the ‘key’ that unlocks all piano doors?
If only I had faster fingers… If only I could play those octaves with ease… If only I could conquer those double-note passages…
Well, you are not alone. Thousands of piano students from the entire world think the same. They spend many years looking for the ‘perfect’ movements that would allow them to play with freedom and brilliance.
They work hard, they do endless exercises, they practice scales like there’s no tomorrow… only to discover that no matter how much they advance on this path, there’s still something missing.
Can you relate to the above?
If you can, then it’s time for a complete change of perspective!
A good technique is not THE key to piano mastery. It’s simply ONE of the keys .
On its own, it cannot do much. Together with the other keys, though, it can unlock ANY door!
You can only become a good pianist if you open your eyes and learn to see the bigger picture.
Piano playing is a ‘multi-lock door’ – and you can only open it if you have ALL the keys. This is what the holistic approach to piano development is all about!
Do you want to learn more? Watch the video below!
We will identify the other ‘keys’, debunk a ton of myths, learn more about the mysterious term ‘expression’… and you will never see piano playing with the same eyes again!
Developing a Brilliant Piano Technique –
The Holistic Professional Approach
Video highlights:
00:35. Introduction. On our menu today: it’s time for a change of perspective!; debunking myths and stereotypes.
02:52. This video is inspired from your questions . Avoiding the unilateral ‘technique-only’ approach.
03:18. The ergonomic technical skills you will develop as a member of PCA.
04:20. Understanding the BIGGER PICTURE. The 7 main pillars of piano playing. Learning to see the whole, not just the parts.
05:31. An example of the modern ‘unilateral’ approach and its consequences. The main causes of speed walls (and other piano problems).
07:06. What is technique? Why do you play piano? What determines the value of a piece?
08:20. Why, What and How – the three main questions we need to answer in order to become good pianists.
08:56. Making a comparison between speaking and musical performance.
10:53. The main purpose of good technique: giving us the freedom to convey the message of the piece. Brilliant piano skills can only be developed by connecting our physical movements (technique) with the musical ideas we wish to express.
11:52. An example of how pre-hearing and mental anticipation (having the mind and hearing guide your fingers) can help you overcome technical barriers.
12:52. The physical part of playing – a means to an end. Developing our technique while bringing out the expressive tasks of the piece.
13:36. The benefits of a holistic approach to piano development. Improving our technical skills naturally, simultaneously with all the other pillars.
13:57. What about muscle memory? Is it important? How do we develop it?
14:42. If technique is not the most important thing in piano playing, WHY do we need to practice scales?
15:39. With your mind & hearing in charge, you will never play in a mechanical, percussive manner!
15:59. What is expression? Debunking the most common myths about expression.
18:27. Bringing out the expressive tasks encoded in the piece by using means of expression. Identifying the main ones.
19:40. Example: how to bring out a lyrical, peaceful character in Liszt’s Consolation No. 3.
21:03. Character -> means of expression -> mental/aural/technical methods for bringing them out.
21:33. The expressive intention – the foundation of our art. Playing without awareness, in a purely ‘intuitive’ manner, is not expression!
22:11. Debunking another myth: is expression a ‘talent‘? How does talent fit into this picture?
22:56. If your main goal is to ‘improve your technique’ – your entire perspective on piano playing needs to change!
23:12. Conclusion. The importance of understanding the bigger picture for making informed decisions .
Recommended tutorial:
Overcoming Technical Difficulties – Between Stereotypes and Holistic Tendencies in Piano Playing.
Do you want to take your piano skills to a whole new level of mastery? Join my Piano Coaching Program at and get instant access to many hundreds of exclusive, in-depth tutorials for ALL levels (including step-by-step courses and interactive projects) that will transform your playing, and help you to acquire a holistic perspective on our amazing art!
Our modern ‘hurried’ mentality is gradually destroying our beautiful art.
In our rush to master it ‘overnight’, we don’t bother to study it in a holistic manner.
As a result, we slowly ‘strip it to the bone’, until all the expressive aspects are gone and we’re left with the bare technical movements – but we don’t even remember WHY we need them in the first place!
Blind and shallow practice might seem ‘quicker’ in the short-term. In the long run, however, it’s just a waste of time.
The good news is that it’s in our power to reverse this process. It’s in our power to take a stand, and to choose to practice in a mindful and serious manner. It’s in our power to be dedicated, persistent, and really passionate about what we do! It’s in our power to create amazing results!
So I challenge you to rise to the next level!
Dig deeper, enlarge your horizons, make fascinating (and very rewarding) discoveries… and start playing in a free, beautiful, artistic manner!
Always choose the red pill (Matrix hint) – in your practice and in your life! ,
P.S. Follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Google + (and now also on Pinterest!) to get instant updates, support and motivation!
If you enjoyed this piano tutorial, here are some other piano learning and practice topics you’ll like:
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Hello Ilinka,
I enjoyed some of your teachings, but I want to ask you if you have a book with a DVD, so someone can study all teaching, and can go back and review and practice the hard part; and comprehend the overall teachings. I study piano years ago, but did not practice and I want to review some parts, so I can be selective in my study and concentrate on what I really need to be a good pianist and overcome obstacles.
Please I appreciate if you can help!?
Thank you Mag
Hi Mag!
This is Natalia, Ilinca Vartic’s assistant at Thank you for your comment!
No, we don’t have a book or a DVD – we have something much better: the Online Piano Coaching Program at!
This program offers its members many hundreds of in-depth video and written tutorials (the equivalent of dozens of books or DVDs) – and ALL of them are always available for our members, 24/7! All you need is an internet connection.
Therefore, if you become a member of our program, you will not need any DVDs. You will simply have instant and unlimited access to our entire database of tutorials (which is too enormous to fit on DVDs). You will keep having access to this database for as long as you remain a member. You can also go back to any tutorials you have watched in the past – and review them as often as you wish, as many times as you wish.
The functionality of is explained in more detail in our FAQs (
Please pay special attention to the following answers from the FAQs:
No. 1-3: discover what PianoCareerAcademy is, how it works, what is included (and what is not included) in the membership.
No. 4-6: learn more about our membership options (monthly and yearly) – and how they work.
No. 9: tells you where to find sample tutorials.
No. 12: find out why we do not sell out tutorials on DVDs.
No. 17: a detailed description of our Video Course for Beginners (in case you wish to re-learn the fundamentals correctly).
No. 19: a detailed description of the Scale & Arpeggio Course.
Also, please feel free to take a look at any other FAQ that might interest you, before registration.
If you have other questions about the functionality of (that are not covered in the FAQs), please don’t hesitate to ask!
I hope that my answer was helpful – and we’re looking forward to welcoming you to our community! 😉
Customer Support
honestry i like music and when i’m playing piano i fell more confident and joy in may may goal after studying is to find everywhere possible that can help me to improve my piano skills. At school i’m a gospel singer music producer and a little bit on guitar but i’m more interested in piano playing most.
So,to myself i wish to have whatever it takes for me to be on best level of piano players on the world simply because i do not want to be a local but a pianist who is needed for everyone who likes music.
i so excited for your help and i’m willingly.
Dear Ilinka, Thank you very much for this video. I love listening and watching you play. You seem to almost caress the piano notes, its wonderful to see.
Thank you so much! 😉
Hey Dear Professor Ilinca ! You are light and I am your shadow. I follow you naturally whenever you swing with your musical hairs. Love you.
I don’t have an IPad, I have a Kindle HDX. Will you videos download to my Kindle. I have a computer, but it is in another room away from my piano. I would like to sign up for your program, but not if I have to have an IPad. Thank you.
Hi Jesus!
This is Natalia, Ilinca’s assistant at Thank you for your comment!
We never tested our website (and tutorials) on a Kindle HDX – but there is a very easy way to find out if they will work or not.
Simply do 2 easy tests:
1. Can your Kindle open web pages (such as, or Wikipedia, or any other site out there)? Also, can you open the front page of What about the login page for the Members Area ( If you can open these pages, then you will be able to log in once you register, and browse our entire database! PianoCareerAcademy is a website that contains hundreds of videos and articles – and you don’t need any special app or plugin for viewing it (just a simple browser).
2. Can your Kindle play videos? Please test a YouTube video and also a Vimeo video (most of our videos are hosted on Vimeo). If you don’t know what Vimeo is, just go to, and try to play ANY video with your Kindle.
If both tests are successful, then you can certainly join our program!
You can also learn more about PianoCareerAcademy (how it works, what is included in the membership etc.) by taking a look at our detailed FAQs.
I hope that my answer was helpful – and we’re looking forward to welcoming you to our community! 😉
Customer Support
Thank you for a very informative and interesting video. I am 71 years old and have been playing piano most of my life. I have also been teaching piano to beginners and intermediate level students since 1978. I am aware however that there are serious gaps in my understanding and that I rely too much on intuition in my playing and teaching. Could your courses help someone like me?
Dear Mr. Traynor,
This is Natalia, Ilinca Vartic’s assistant at Thank you for your comment!
Yes, of course – our Piano Coaching Program is addressed to piano teachers as well.
In the Members Area you will find many tutorials where Ilinca synthesizes the professional pedagogical principles of the Russian piano school. Even our step-by-step Courses (the Course for Beginners, and the Scale & Arpeggio Course) are especially designed to be useful for teachers (and also for intermediate/advanced pianists who wish to learn these professional fundamentals in a systematic manner). Basically each one of our many hundreds of tutorials can be perceived as a ‘methodology demonstration‘ for teachers :).
You can learn more about and its functionality by taking a look at our detailed FAQs.
Please pay special attention to the following answers from the FAQs:
No. 1-3: discover what PianoCareerAcademy is, how it works, what is included (and what is not included) in the membership.
No. 4-6: learn more about our membership options (monthly and yearly) – and how they work.
No. 15: find out what downloadable materials (method books, scores etc.) are included in the membership.
No. 17: a detailed description of our Video Course for Beginners (please pay attention to the paragraph dedicated to piano teachers).
No. 19: a detailed description of the Scale & Arpeggio Course.
Also, please feel free to take a look at any other FAQ that might interest you, before registration.
If you have other questions about the functionality of (that are not covered in the FAQs), please don’t hesitate to ask!
I hope that my answer was helpful – and we’re looking forward to welcoming you to our community! 😉
Customer Support
Thank you Ilinca, your video are always so helpful!
Thank you so much, Iris! 😉
Hi Ilinca!! This is Roy, and I am playing the piano for quite some time now and would fall in the intermediate category. Would this course be helpful for me amd would I be able to improve my intermediate skills to the next level??
Hi Roy,
This is Natalia, Ilinca Vartic’s assistant at Tha nk you for your message!
I will begin by explaining that PianoCareerAcademy is not just a course: it is a Piano Coaching Program that offers its members an enormous online library consisting of many hundreds of detailed tutorials for ALL levels (including many courses, interactive projects, and other unique features).
To answer your question – yes, of course, we have many tutorials for the intermediate level, including an Intermediate Curriculum that will help you to assess your individual combination of strengths and weaknesses, with recommended tutorials for each skill you need to develop in order to make good progress (including many detailed lessons focused on specific intermediate pieces).
You can learn more about and its functionality by taking a look at our detailed FAQs.
Please pay special attention to the following answers from the FAQs:
No. 1-3: discover what PianoCareerAcademy is, how it works, what is included (and what is not included) in the membership – and also the List of Tutorials currently available for our members.
No. 4-6: learn more about our membership options (monthly and yearly) – and how they work.
No. 19: a detailed description of our Scale & Arpeggio Course.
No. 35: about our curriculums and courses for different levels.
No. 40: a description of our Sight-Reading Course.
Also, please feel free to take a look at any other FAQ that might interest you, before registration.
If you have other questions about the functionality of (that are not covered in the FAQs), please don’t hesitate to ask!
I hope that my answer was helpful – and we’re looking forward to welcoming you to our community! 😉
Customer Support
Hi guys, 1st time on this site, love the content! One question, what is the best way to count rhythm according to the Russian piano school? Most teachers use the normal
1 and 2 and etc or ta ta te tafa tefe
Hi Hans!
Thank you so much for your appreciation! 😀
In the Russian piano school, we count “1 and 2 and etc.” :). You can learn more by following the progressive lessons of my Video Course for Beginners – where all the technical/expressive/theoretical fundamentals are covered in LOTS of detail! 😉 Lesson No. 1 is available for free here on Video Course for Beginners: Lesson No. 1.
I am so in love with the pianistic Russian composers technics.
I wish to accomplish that technic that I think you teach very
carefully well.
I am actually on my way to make my dream come true.
Step-by-Step, I am seeing the light at the end of the tunel.
Thanks Ilinca.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Thank you very much, Alan! 🙂
As I mention in the video above – technique is only ONE of the fundamental pillars of piano playing. When you practice, don’t forget to develop ALL of them harmoniously and progressively (not just technique). And, of course, my step-by-step Courses and tutorials at cover the Russian method in a very in-depth and holistic manner.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays! 😉